Our Mission:

Our mission at Zetwal Energy is to evangelize solar power as the ultimate, near-infinite and free source of energy that will change the way we live and consume energy on this planet. We strive to educate the world on the merits of FREE power from the sun.We assist both consumers and suppliers of solar systems to facilitate the spread and deployment of solar power everywhere!

Together we can save money and save planet Earth!

Passionate Evangelist of Solar Energy.
Let's Join Forces and Spread Solar Energy Around The World!
Wyster Desir, Zetwal Energy, LLC
January 2018
I am Wyster Desir, founder and GM of ZETWAL Energy LLC.
I've been involved in the energy industry for the past 8 years.

After spending 10 years in the US Army, completing different war and humanitarian missions around the world, I fell in love with traveling globally while doing great work at the same time. I later joined a leading global energy company, APR Energy, where I worked for 7 years, traveling to 62 countries helping to supply interim power to far corners of the world. I have seen first-hand the difference that basic access to electricity makes in people's lives. I have gained solid knowledge in power generation and became very passionate about renewable energy in general, and solar energy in particular. Because of the omnipresence of the sun and the abundance of energy it supplies to the earth, I believe in its great potential to satisfy the current energy requirements of all of humanity and power our lives forever. Solar energy is the future!

I have founded ZETWAL Energy LLC as a platform to help evangelize, educate and make reliable and affordable solar energy accessible to all people in all corners of the world.

I can help you acquire or supply solar energy! Anywhere!

What do you need? Let me help you.
Wyster Desir
Copyright © 2018 - Zetwal Energy LLC
Miami, FL 33166 | +1-904-402-1000 | info@zetwal.com
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